I agree, and we need to humiliate him with clips from his incoherent rantings at his rallies. He’s weak and stupid and we need to ruthless.

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I agree with you that the Democrats are too passive about going on the attack with Trump. Hammer the hell out of the convictions. Dwell on his lack of character in many facets of his business and personal life. His mental stability is certainly questionable especially as of late. These are all demonstrable attack points. Hit hard on his quotes that he will use the office and the Executive branch to “get back” at enemies real and perceived. Our democracy is in peril and we need to pull out all stops.

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Jun 3Liked by Jordan Zakarin

I will never understand why people think of trump as a font of anything remotely positive. I will never understand his appeal. He comes across as a gross old man riddled with late-stage syphilis and the effects of decades of micro-emboli on an already not super strong brain. He has (fake) confidence, sure, but he still just spouts pure nonsense.

I hate to think this but I really think people like him because he gives them license to be the most awful version of themselves.

In any case, you are correct - this is the same shitty fecklessness that has led to a long history of the dems snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. This election, just like 2016, is the dems to lose. And if that happens come November, they have no one to blame but themselves. Not college protestors, not people who find genocide morally repellent, not people who were warning for the last 4 fucking years that the dems need to be on the offensive with words as well as policy (such as yourself.)

Thank you, Jordan, for your consistency on this point.

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