And a tribute to a hero
Ima Texan and I have an idea....take Abbott to top of a boat ramp on the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass...and let go
That video brought tears to my eyes...thank you for the reminder that there are some that put compassion ahead of politics.
Send in the Army and the Marines. Fuck Texas and states rights.
Thank you! Fabulous outlay of increasingly horrifying American predicament! Yes a few wonderful courageous bright spots but overall what a vast arena of quicksand!???
So fucking gross
Ima Texan and I have an idea....take Abbott to top of a boat ramp on the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass...and let go
That video brought tears to my eyes...thank you for the reminder that there are some that put compassion ahead of politics.
Send in the Army and the Marines. Fuck Texas and states rights.
Thank you! Fabulous outlay of increasingly horrifying American predicament! Yes a few wonderful courageous bright spots but overall what a vast arena of quicksand!???
So fucking gross