I suspect Biden would happily step aside if a Democrat came on the scene who could truly beat Trump. That's the only thing that really matters. Another Trump term would be a disaster for the US and the rest of the world. They could have a primary where it's forbidden to criticize Biden, as Jordan suggests. It does sound a little too organized for Democrats, though. Rightly or wrongly, I don't have any faith in Kamala, which might be an issue.

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... i i've been hoping for a couple of weeks now that folks like cory booker, md's mel, gov newsom wd

sit w/ potus to urge some com-

petetive be considered....

...hmmm... that doesn't sit well with me because of his outstanding accomplishments....

For this reason I'm hoping the right folks encourage him to step down if there is a candidate they can approve of

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Democrats are famous for our circular firing squad, and your last comment about Biden benefiting from a primary challenger is just the latest example of that. I TOTALLY disagree with that comment. It is exactly what Trumpers, the Republican media ecosystem and the horserace media wants. Instead of searching for a mythical perfect candidate, we all should be touting Biden's accomplishments during a difficult term and talk about how much more he could have accomplished (and will in his second term) with a bigger Democratic majority in both houses of Congress. SMDH

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THIS!! And anyone who says anything about Biden's mental capacity hasn't been watching any of the news lately. If you think trump has any mental capabilities left, I have some swamp land I'd like to sell you. If you think your life will remain the same, or be "better" under trump, you must be a product of a Republican-run school system. Once we re-elect Biden, we can then begin the process of vetting our next democracy-centered presidential candidate, NOT BEFORE!!

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