One major major issue about school.... no federal or state money should be given for privatization of schools. None! And if people want to privatize their child’s education they are “Free” to do so. But not with my money. Their money and a hefty tax on that gift to themselves.
This is right up there with separation of “Church and State.” Believe and worship anytime and or about anything on your own dime! Not on mine. Churches should not be given a tax free land grab. Get government out of funding privatization.
When are we going to learn.
We’ve already allowed the insurance industry to be privatizing our health care. Now we have no healthy health care. We have “big business” getting rich on our worked for Medicare. Jesus.
Do not close your eyes to facts. Truth cleans up a-lot of all this crass corruption.
If you need to be rich.... do it on your own dime. No tax free , private sucking up federal aid for you.
Explain these issues and demand a response from big money... why ,if they hate big government, do they always depend on our funding their corruption?
One major major issue about school.... no federal or state money should be given for privatization of schools. None! And if people want to privatize their child’s education they are “Free” to do so. But not with my money. Their money and a hefty tax on that gift to themselves.
This is right up there with separation of “Church and State.” Believe and worship anytime and or about anything on your own dime! Not on mine. Churches should not be given a tax free land grab. Get government out of funding privatization.
When are we going to learn.
We’ve already allowed the insurance industry to be privatizing our health care. Now we have no healthy health care. We have “big business” getting rich on our worked for Medicare. Jesus.
Do not close your eyes to facts. Truth cleans up a-lot of all this crass corruption.
If you need to be rich.... do it on your own dime. No tax free , private sucking up federal aid for you.
Explain these issues and demand a response from big money... why ,if they hate big government, do they always depend on our funding their corruption?
Thank you for all you do!