He's also urged legislation that would make Florida an extreme outlier in capital punishment and roll back procedural protections in the capital sentencing process that were implemented in 2017 after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Florida's capital sentencing scheme violated capital defendants' right to jury trial under the Sixth Amendment. The proposed legislation will be heard Monday.

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Such a great update. DeSantis and his GOP goons are of course wallowing in the catnip post election and we all suffer the consequences. I write him, call the reps and senators daily...post to Instagram.....what else can one do?

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It's awesome that in the face of this the Dems are going to go with a widely-disliked, center-right "weekend at bernie's" walking corpse. Awesome.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Jordan Zakarin

Last 2 paragraphs nailed perfectly the crap of mainstream media that unfortunately too few of us realized

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Jordan Zakarin

The in-depth coverage of DeSantis seems to be done only by substack and other bloggers. I keep thinking I should cancel my subscription to the NYT . I get more information from CalMatters, Voice of San Diego (local online news organizaton), Rachel Maddow, and of course you. Thanks for your work.

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NYT is the worst, cause they pretend to be fair and can actually influence people who are not conservatives. You don't need the NYT, subscribe to the Mercury News or just anything else.

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Excellent post! Please keep writing about the horrors inflicted by DeSatan and his goons in the state legislature and cabinet. He is very dangerous.

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