Jul 24, 2023Liked by Jordan Zakarin

It’s not so much that the curriculum notes that slavery can and has occurred without racial differences between enslavers and enslaved, or that people other than of African origin have been enslaved. My Jewish daughter volunteered during a Pre-school discussion of Dr.King that her ancestors had been slaves too (guess she had been paying attention at Seders.) it’s the purpose for which this curriculum has been developed that disgusting--the perpetuation of Jim Crow policies and ourtomes as some sort of “natural” order because slavery in the US wasn’t so bad or so different from what’s always gone on, and so it can’t be the cause of the wealth and health disparities between Blacks and Caucasians in this country.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023Author

Absolutely — it’s the relativism that matters here. Worth noting too that they want these units on American history to go back all the way to Ancient Rome and ancient China.

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Or whataboutism, using others' misbehavior as an excuse for forgiving ones' own. I would bet that Marcus Aurelius and Immanuel Kant have no place in the Florida curriculum.

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