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Even if they don’t admit it, no secret Reichwing policies suck; nobody likes “steal from the middle class & poor to hand over to the greedy uber rich,” so of course, Reichwing have always lied, cheated and steals to get & keep power.

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I am SICK AT HEART here in Ohio.

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Modern republicanism is simply an infection to be eradicated.

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Breaking: Democrats admit to stealing the 2020 election!


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Is that true?

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This is why ethics are so important. As much as I hate to say this, regulation is needed because people cannot be trusted to do the right thing … then the question arises, what is the right thing ?

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I don't know how we get out of this deepening hole we're in. The Democrats bring a wet noodle to a sword fight, assuming they even show up for the fight itself. As the communications channels (broadcast, print, social media, etc) all begin to bend the knee to Emperor Trump if they aren't already blatantly lying, I don't know how someone with a good plan and great intentions would be able to successfully get the messaging out at scale.

Tell me I'm wrong.

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It unfortunately will fall nothing short of a revolution. Peaceful protesting and boycotting all gets bulldozed by police who will now get increased immunity for their actions. Republicans have long played the game with loaded dice and a gun under the table, while the left plays with one hand.

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Everything you've said is true, but how in God's name are the Democrats going to change anything if the voters aren't willing to see what dastardly liars Republicans are, for the most part anyway. I'm not, young and I've seen many generations of political parties offering all sorts of ideas, some good, some bad, but honestly, I'm not sure anyone can overcome Trumpism. Hopefully, some energetic young politicians will rise up and help change the direction our country is headed.

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This harkens back to the Republican response to Watergate.

After Nixon resigned in disgrace for breaking the law and covering it up, the Republican posture became “He should have just stayed.”

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