There are several very viable alternatives to Biden-at the top of my list are Jamie Raskin with Elizabeth Warren for VP. MUCH better for our wellbeing going onward.

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Your piece came right after I vibed with:


You’re great at finding the opportunities in political headwinds, but you barely touched on _how_ this can “change the Democratic Party forever” at the end of the piece. Would love to see you write more to help reframe this challenge from what we must do to what new possibilities we get to imagine, starting with the idea that the Democratic Party can change at all!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

I totally agree with this piece . The leadership of the Democratic party seems quite happy with losing elections. Their priorities seems to be keeping their friends and donors happy. The problem is many of those donors give more money to the Republicans. It's highly likely that Bernie Sanders could have defeated Trump the first time but it was Hillary's "turn". Smh! I remember being shocked after John Kerry lost and his campaign manager said she was very proud of the campaign they ran. You know, like not responding to the Swift boat lies, for example. I hope even the most craven Democrats are shocked by what the Supreme Court has done and wake the hell up. The next Trump regime will not be like anything we've seen before. It will not be "I disagree with them but things are generally okay."

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I love your writing. ❤️

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“The Absurdity of the Dump-Biden Uprising”


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Jul 3Liked by Jordan Zakarin

Here's an interesting proposal for steps to be taken if and when Biden decides to step down:


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Jul 3Liked by Jordan Zakarin

It is not reactionary to not want to support a candidate about whose health you have been gaslit. And it is neither racist nor misogynistic to not support a VP whose history and performance is neither representative of progressive values nor exhibits a competence necessary for governing at the highest level. Alright - perhaps she hasn't been given a fair chance but there are plenty of talented competent candidates out there who once they are made known/publicized at the open convention will have the opportunity to make their case in open debate - not behind closed doors. Harris can take the opportunity to make her case there. We should welcome the opportunity to manifest the democratic process by actually voting for and choosing the next Democratic candidate for 2024 rather than having him thrust upon us.

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Replacing Biden following one bad debate is reactionary. ‘You need to calm down’ 🎶 like Taylor Swift sings. Now you are talking like mainstream media. Stay the course and maybe Biden can even take advantage of his new powers.

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I want to know who prepped Biden for the debate. It appears they've never heard of a guy named Donald Trump. Trump's performance was utterly predictable and Biden clearly had no plan to counter it. As to the issue of his performance, if you see your guy is in bad shape you cancel the debate. The fallout from canceling could not be worse than what happened the other night. I think Biden has done an exceptional job up to now but the man on that debate stage needs to be in a home. And, as Jordan points out, the stakes are astronomical at this point.

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At this point I would like to see the party unite behind Kamala. She’s the VP. Run with her and accept that the back up to Biden is a black woman. She’s a thousand times better than Gavin Newsom. Run a black woman for president, and put the party’s money where its mouth is.

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