This review reminds me of Canadian writer Naomi Klein’s observation some time ago.

“Impunity breeds a kind of delusional decadence.”

Maybe that is what makes it so hard to share power when they have almost complete control.

Thanks for this good reporting.

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‼️when you say...


‼️you come thru !

thank you...

... and for what ails you↙️

?may i:

sounds like you need

to ramp up

the mitochondria

for some good ol'

> a t p <

[ ? organic berberine extract .

pqq 20 - 40 mg/d

•• that one with ••

liposomal ubiquinol

bioactive form Co-Q10

... I didn't tell you ]

these comments are not meant to diagnose treat or cure any illness or disease . These comments have not been reviewed therefore not approved by the FDA.

warning: u do not want an

ampk activator for weight loss.

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