Does anyone else think that first photo looks like it was shot in a run down part of town, in the middle of the night, when no one was around, and the buildings (including the one with Trump’s name on it) have all been abandoned?

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One of the ways that Democrats in blue states or purple states can get in power or stay in power is to combine the local elections with the even year midterm elections!!! This reform will boost voter turnout among our folks, save multi-millions of tax dollars which should be used for universal Pre-K and free college, and results in the election of more women and more minorities to local offices (and less Republican and right-wing domination of local government in rural and suburban areas)!!! Another reform is to pass a 3% tax on yearly income of one million dollars or more from any source in exchange for property tax relief for low and middle income folks!!!

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Good post. I believe all your resolutions have merit. What I find locally in say, the school board elections, is that progressive voices usually carry the day. We must have a pocket here locally because these approaches don’t necessarily carry through to the statehouse and governor, to my dismay. I believe they would even here in Kansas if the top 0.5% or whatever it is we’re to pay taxes at a rate consistent with the rest of us and the burden of personal and property taxes were lowered nationally. I also firmly believe that the cap on social security income should be extended to encompass ALL wage earners. I think we could see a swing to the left.

We have healthcare problem in the rural areas. Cutting out the leeches and modeling a Medicare for all approach modeled after the best national program out there across the ponds and expanding Medicaid would go a long way to averting the critical stage rural healthcare is currently in.

Pipe dreams? Probably, but if we could just get folks to wrap their minds around the dollars involved in the current makeup vs. what a progressive approach could bring, it would become a reality.

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