Oct 13Liked by Jordan Zakarin

At the end of your 1st paragraph, you use this phrase: "including endless ads about the very rare trans boy who wants to compete in girls’ athletics".

I am hoping you MEANT to say " ...very rare trans *girl* who wants to compete in girls' athletics."

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Yes! Total mindless mistake on my part, will fix. Thank you for pointing it out.

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Oct 11Liked by Jordan Zakarin

Shades of 2016. The race is Harris's to lose, and if she does, it'll be her and the DNC's fault. Not that it would stop them from blaming anyone but themselves...

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Kamala’s staff (which is in largely last Biden’s old campaign staff) was running a great campaign up through the debate, then pivoted to the center-right. I think they thought that so long as they raised enough money, they had the race won.

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Feels like an older model to me. Like in the age of social media, it's maybe not as much about money? I don't know, though...clearly the experts all disagree.

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Oct 11Liked by Jordan Zakarin

Grade job, Jordan! This normalization by the media of a moron out-of-control is becoming a biigger deal all the time!! I think they also overstate as does the campaign the effect on polls and votes!

"The surprise in October is that there is no surprise."Allan Lichtman, a historian who has correctly predicted nearly every U.S. presidential election for decades, predicts Kamala will win!

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Oct 10Liked by Jordan Zakarin

Just as banks seizing properties of disabled and medimedically bankrupted people, cynical food producers raising prices during famines, con artists tricking elderly people out of their life savings.... capitalism is DESIGNED to create and foster amoral management and unethical shareholders. That's not, in modern parlance, a bug: it's a feature. Capitalism only rewards financial success, and anything less or otherwise, is penalized.

That's precisely why we MUST have government controls to have a functional, reresponsible, reasonable democracy within the capitalist framework (or possibly vice versa: capitalist society within a democratic framework). However you position it, capitalism is, by its NATURE, fundamentally rapacious. It CAN'T work for everyone, because most people couldn't survive a "lord of the flies" type of society.

Republikkkans* understand that, it's what they live for, as we're seeing now. And the lure of power is strong, enough to make a lot of folks justify their abandoning of their own moral centers.

*Republikkkans are those who have allowed themselves to be co-opted by the MAGA movement, whether they fundamentally agree with tRump or not. That is, most Republicans today.

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Good notes, Carlye!!

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Oct 10Liked by Jordan Zakarin

Mostly agree with what you say (though you are buying in too much to the desperate Republican polls -- read the great, great Simon Rosenberg on this subject). Lee Atwater recanted on his death bed ONLY because he was ON his death bed. Few men have deserved a painful death as much as he did. IMHO.

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