Sep 13Liked by Jordan Zakarin

Oh Jordan! This is so good! We have an opportunity to reach men by explaining how her economic policy is better, and time to mount that information campaign, thanks to your clear elucidation today.

We’re just in the nick of time to reach that demographic, and your post gives us talking points!

When people grasp that both the economics and the cultural aspects of Harris policies benefit families and communities, maybe they’ll change.

I love your list of concrete examples that appeal to all small business owners man or woman, college educated or craftsman. I will broadcast it widely.

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The fact that Harris is reaching a broader audience is in part due to her willingness to use campaign strategies and tactics of borderline abusiveness that echoes the Republikkkans cruel, ugly, lie-filled, one-line quotes.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are not well enough politically educated to use, consider or remember delicate and nuanced ideas. In part, that's the Republikkkans fault and purpose: they want that majority to stay uneducated and compliant, which eliminates nuance and encourages cruelty, to encourage grouping.

Speaking as an older woman, who was a teenage girl in the seventies and very not-normal: major sci-fi fan, smart and tough, always interested in doing things males considered their exclusive domain (I sold high-end audio gear, the first woman to specialize in our small city, a blacksmith), taking so much of the ignorant abuse leaves you in less of a generous mindset. And I had it much better than sooo many!

We need to get past all that. First, we need this election. It may take decades if we don't. Second, we need to start REALLY investing in education! We need to get SERIOUS about it. And yes, to do those things, we'll need to work with the other side, but right now in politics, that's proving extremely difficult or impossible. These improvements will ultimately feed on each other and reinforce each other. But we can't afford to let extremists derail our government again. We need a few Executive Orders: some to control the lies in social media and corporate media, some to fix the Supreme Court so it doesn't continue to punch holes in our democratic process. There is more, but I've gone on long enough. 😳

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You have certainly given us something to think about. I suddenly feel my education in History and Economics is woefully inadequate for the current economic and political situation, which is alarming for a retired Social Studies teacher with two advance degrees!

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Well Harris may do some of what you suggested Jordan but there will never be meaningful changes to the status quo by electing either of these puppets of capitalism/imperilism. I am not willing to support a system that has us living in a greenhouse gas chamber, marching us to WW3 by continuing to provoke China and Russia, massive wealth inequality and complicit with the ongoing genocide in Gaza! We must have as Martin Luther King said a complete restructuring of our political and economic system - nothing less than revolution.

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Very inciteful. Including young men into the plans for the future should go without saying, but getting the message out is crucial. They need to know that they, too, are who she is trying to open the future to...the opportunity to get ahead.

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I so hope the Harris campaign reads your plan to reach young white men. As a newly retired adult education teacher, I can confirm that hourly workers trapped in low-paying retail and service jobs want to return to school but have no means to pay for technical training programs. There is very little financial aid available. I so want to believe that the working class would significantly benefit from free technical training. They never catch a break. I understand their anger.

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Sep 10Liked by Jordan Zakarin

It's really disheartening how often people of color and white women need to genuinely be reminded that white men are humans, too. Especially considering how many of us don't actually fall into that demographic despite appearing to.

When Trump was president and Twitter hadn't been Musked up yet, any time an embarrassing picture of him came out, people would make fun of him for being fat, which always led to others chiding them, saying Trump would never see the insults (he totally did) but the overweight people in their lives would and would be hurt by it. The same principle applies here. Treating white men as a monolith is just as absurd as any other group.

I'm white and male, but I'm also queer, have AuDHD, and am overweight. People of color and white women might view me as a white man, but white men sure fucking don't.

But even then, intersectionality shouldn't need to be brought up to convince people that misandry is just as unacceptable as misogyny. It's basic feminism.

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To expand on what I mean when I say that white men don't view people like me as white men, I'll refer anyone interested to this Tumblr screenshot, posted to Reddit, that helped me *finallly* articulate what it's like to be a man who doesn't meet the requirements of traditional masculinity


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And to add an anecdote of my own: I started college in Fall '08. On election night my roommate, a white boy from Long Island, went out partying in the streets with a bunch of other people because a Black man was finally going to be POTUS.

He then spent the rest of freshman year calling me the f-slur any time he thought I couldn't hear him. His reasoning, according to his girlfriend (who befriended me to piss him off, and then ghosted me when he and I were no longer roommates), was that I "never brought any girls back to the room."

Nevermind the fact that I never brought any guys back either. Did the possibility I might have crippling social anxiety ever enter his mind? Of course not! I wasn't fucking girls, so I must be an f-slur.

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