Really appreciate this balanced and inclusive summary of issues ahead and behind.

Keep up the good work!

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Thanks Robert!!

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Aloha Jordan - I was curious and thus waded thru the Catholic pub's article on 'parents voting on behalf of the number of children in their brood." One repeated rationale that emerges is comparing this 'expansion' of the suffrage to 'giving women the vote.'

Thus, it manages to not be just an idiotic plan, but misogynistic and infantilizing to women as well...

Back To the drawing board, bros...


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Jul 28Liked by Jordan Zakarin

Thanks, Jordan, as always. These are all important issues, but I still want to proof she will stand against Israel and support Palestinians.

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The other thing to consider is where things might be with regard to this horrific genocide by the time she would take office in January (or even start transitioning in November). Benny Gantz called for September elections and maybe Netanyahu will lose parts of his coalition and have to acquiesce.

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I don’t think any American president is going to explicitly stand against Israel, but I sure hope that she’d take a much harder line with its government to force both a ceasefire and longterm peace that gives Palestinians self-determination.

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