Yea, can’t release the REAL STORY!

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We have all seen the faux binders of trump 1.0 remember he was going to not have any conflicts of interest and showed a table stacked high with papers. It never happend promises made on flash paper then disapeared. never to be seen again. He a perfect - biggly liar.

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Well giddy up america!

Passive economic resistance to those miserable assholes

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I appreciate your extra-honest thoughts! Definitely here for it!!

Here in Ohio, they’re also letting counties decide whether to permit the sale of recreational marijuana so of course in my very red county (Logan — where the drag show controversy happened), they’re trying hard to ban the sale (still in limbo)…so instead people will just give their money to the next county or two over but whatever… 🙄

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When the going gets rough, I seem to be able to get it into overdrive. It's what I'm doing now. I try to focus on getting people registered and TO VOTE, in all elections that arise. It is our "dues to pay" as citizens of a country where we have the right to do so, and it is a small price to pay. I also accompany this "directive" with a copy of the Constitution, an explanation of how it is the very document that has allowed us to live the free life so many have taken for granted, and stern advice to READ AND LEARN IT.

I also grow a garden of a wide variety of fruits and veggies. I am considering bartering for services or goods, but I also want to help some of those around me who will find themselves in a bad way due to the nazi wrecking ball in our government. Again, a small price to pay to help those who have worked hard and have been tossed aside. (actually, it is a privilege, not a price)

I also spread the word about rallies and protests and calling or writing or showing up at the offices of elected representatives and never letting off the steam to fight against treason in progress in this country.

You are unfortunately very accurate when you state that there will be much harm, suffering and damage done before things turn around, but things can turn around if our efforts are emulated by everyone. And the help we extend to our fellow citizens in hard times will spur others to do the same, and before you know it, we have a real resistance building.

Most important though is to not let these idiots who thrive on cruelty to get away with it. Support free speech, factual news and the courts who uphold the law in the face of this illegal behavior, and with the numbers on our side, we will get these criminals out of government.

If you've "heard it all before", GOOD. I plan to never stop spreading this message to everyone I can reach until things turn around or I'm dead, whichever comes first.

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Hang in there Jordan. I've been a babblng froth mouth about all this fascisst coup maneuvering for the past fifty years or so. My dentist asks why my teeth are so ground down. DUH.

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