Section 8 Vouchers?? Really?? I am a retired nurse, who used a section 8 voucher while going to nursing school. I had a dead-beat ex who refused to pay any child support, so received AFDC also (aid to families with dependent children). These two programs helped me to attain a degree and find employment that enabled me to become independent. My participation was monitored for progress...they don't just throw someone a handout with no plan.
And I'm white. Most people participating in those programs are.
Thank you for sharing your story, that must have been a really difficult period and your perseverance is pretty badass.
As you note, Red states take in far more in federal aid spending. I’m confident that the Vought acolytes evaluating each program would be instructed to approve those in rural areas, and operated through faith-based organizations, than any urban group.
I fear the "loyalty" card will be played when deciding who receives aid and who does not, much in the same fashion that aid to California is being threatened with 'voting extortion'.
Section 8 Vouchers?? Really?? I am a retired nurse, who used a section 8 voucher while going to nursing school. I had a dead-beat ex who refused to pay any child support, so received AFDC also (aid to families with dependent children). These two programs helped me to attain a degree and find employment that enabled me to become independent. My participation was monitored for progress...they don't just throw someone a handout with no plan.
And I'm white. Most people participating in those programs are.
Thank you for sharing your story, that must have been a really difficult period and your perseverance is pretty badass.
As you note, Red states take in far more in federal aid spending. I’m confident that the Vought acolytes evaluating each program would be instructed to approve those in rural areas, and operated through faith-based organizations, than any urban group.
I fear the "loyalty" card will be played when deciding who receives aid and who does not, much in the same fashion that aid to California is being threatened with 'voting extortion'.
That is, unless we stop this anarchy.