OOPS I received my photos of Ron the Don thanks. I had read your Sat. report then the Sun. report revealed the pictures.

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Durban, Feinstein, Schumer, et al need to get gone and younger people willing to do what is right for the country need to be put into those seats. While the older Dem's keep claiming to take the fight to the Fascist they are unwilling to do the deed for fear they will make these Fascist upset. Meanwhile the nation- and it's future -spins inexorably toward a Fascist, Oligarchy, and Christo fascist prison. PS I am still waiting for that picture of Ron the Don in high school. Keep on with the great work you are doing.

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I am concerned about judicial nominees in the Senate. See:


Why do the Dems persist in the myth that the Repugnant party is legitimate? Get rid of the blue slip for chrissakes.

If Clarence Thomas isn’t investigated, I am changing my party affiliation to Independent.

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I don’t blame Americans for questioning Democrats commitment to protecting this country & democracy, especially when Congress members like Durbin & Feinstein are clearly unwilling to even pretend they’re fighting for them. Antiquated notions like “preserving the institutions” & the insistence on bipartisan support with the current GOP are becoming a danger to our whole way of life. You can’t collaborate on anything when one side is operating in bad faith

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It seems the very least that can be done is to investigate Clarence Thomas for criminal acts. This can be done by the DOJ. If we are to be a country that respects the law it is imperative that we have Justices that abide by the law.

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