Here’s hoping for consequences for the corrupt. Also hoping we can continue working to get the Florida Democratic Party in a better trajectory. There is work being done in that regard.🤞 Florida needs lots of support from other states and the banned books story is hopeful 🩵

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Excellent reporting and analysis.

I thought the Florida Democratic party had new leadership. Has it fallen apart or is it a lack of funding?

As to Durbin, if he follows form, he'll delay a vote on a subpoena as long as possible. Even if he schedules a vote, a hearing won't occur until 2024. Even if a hearing occurs, will it be held in prime time? Does he have a strategy for next steps after a hearing?

Whitehouse isn't much better...he spent years talking about SCOTUS corruption by dark money, but when he's given the power to do something, he just kicks the can down the road with ineffectual letters and vague threats.

I'd like to be wrong about the perennially weak Senate Democratic leadership for once.

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I want to actually SEE Durbin do his job, instead of a threat. And NOW, not later after more underhanded, paid-for outcomes at the court.

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Factual and to the point info, thanks Progress Report!

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Doing my best — thanks Tom!

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I just looked at the list of banned books from bannedbooks.org, and I’m scratching my head. There were seven books about the Bible, including “Children's Stories from the Bible”, and “A Child's First Bible”. Aren’t these wack jobs trying to get more bibles into the schools?

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